2024 Memorial Day Ceremony - Madison Veterans Council

- 5/22/2024

Monday, 5/27/2024

Memorial Day Ceremony

"Solemn Pride"

 Click here for Program PDF

Click here for Cemetery Map PDF 

The Madison Veterans Council will continue their sacred duty to honor all service members who have passed since last Memorial Day with a Public Ceremony at Union Rest in Madison's Forest Hill Cemetery.

Laying of wreaths at 8:30am – Gundel Metz, Lt. Marion C. Cranefield, VFW Past Commander-in-Chief Lyall Beggs and then Roger Boeker.

 The VFW 1318 Band will start at 9:15 AM and the formal Ceremony will begin at 10:00 AM.  We look forward to seeing you there and hearing the VFW 1318 Band play again.